
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm Back 2014

Oh WOW!!! I can't believe it has almost been a YEAR since I have written a post! I have many reasons for not blogging, but no excuses for neglecting my blog for a year. I guess to be honest I felt it was the one thing out of many that I miss doing in life.

I guess I should start off with the reason why I kinda failed to blog in 2013. :-)

Well, let see first thing first I thought 2013 was going to be wonderful (why this year than any other I don't know) and well... that was a FAIL!

That wasn't the case for me I guess wonderful was a little over the top. Now, I really can't say it was the worse year either I was just very busy.  Just the same ol' same ol' you know working, working, and more working, and a lot of STRESSING.

On the bright side the Avon store was extremely blessed in 2013. Very busy and tons of new items that came out. keeping track and keeping stock is stressful, yet a good sign in a business. My dad and I were extremely exhausted yet happy everyday last year.

For sure 2013 was a bit stressful, yet very blessed.

(Before we begin)

Ok so to kinda keep you guys up to date... I am one of those people who over thinks the situation. I obviously understand certain circumstances, but on the other hand I will probably go home and think and think and think and well yah you get the point right?

Now, back to my story. After I posted my first make-up video on YouTube I kind of fell down in the dump. I didn't understand why I was doing it I thought maybe I was making a video for others then felt I was doing it just for fun. Then realized I was the only one watching it and I felt a little discouraged. I am not quite sure why I felt so bad especially now thinking back on it. I'm not sure why making a video and writing blog posts would have made me feel so horrible about myself. I guess I felt it was pointless. I completely forgot the reason for starting the blog. Which was/is for myself... to keep me busy, sane, and to express myself to whomever may or may not come across my blog. So for this first reason I guess I could have just summed it up and say I was being LAZY!

So, that brings me to the second reason which would tie the first reason with a bow at the end and that would be my health. Which may explain why I was getting all emotional and stuff. I found out only a few months ago about my health but it plays well into my reasoning's. It seem like in 2012 I was perfectly fine and then BAM! a year later everything from blood pressure to thyroids to cholesterol to taking only one medication to having to take a whole lotta JUNK! I'm still in the process of fixing myself because of me being an over thinker I feel maybe by expressing my self through a simple blog post will help me. I have started my journey of exercising and for a person like myself who has never in my life exercised or ran around (literally I would cry myself out of PE) it is a HUGE step for me to take. So far so good I feel better not only about starting my adventure, but in general my mind is clear, my body feels refreshed, and I feel I can finally breath.

So, those are my two reason for not blogging which in a simple summary would be pure laziness and health issues.

Now, my reasoning for starting my blog up again is I have so many ideas that I want to let my heart and brain express. I want to post my exercises, my thoughts good and bad on how I felt after I exercised for the first time and how I feel now. Maybe a few pictures and ideas I have in mind for my future wedding....

Oh yah by the way did I mention that was a plus in 2013

November 28th, 2013 I got engaged!!!!

So, needless to say I will probably post wedding ideas I may have. I also want to jump back into my make-up post and nails of the days. I have a few girls booked to get there prom make-up done so I will post about that. I have so many great ideas that I hope this year will be better.

Blogging is something that makes me happy it makes me feel in control of what I doing with my time and is a journal for me to look back on to one day and remember what I was thinking, doing, or feeling at that moment. I have finally found that one thing my heart was missing and that is blogging.



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